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Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 04:30:22 PST
From: Ham-Equip Mailing List and Newsgroup <ham-equip@ucsd.edu>
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Subject: Ham-Equip Digest V93 #117
To: Ham-Equip
Ham-Equip Digest Tue, 30 Nov 93 Volume 93 : Issue 117
Today's Topics:
Help identify burnt out Yeasu 736R part.
Help on config TR751 2m all mode
IC-27A hum
Info on HTX-404 needed!
kenwood TS450S software
need modif.for ICOM IC-229h VHF trcvr
Need schematic/manual for Icom IC-22A
PK-88 vs KPC-3 vs DPK-2 - Comments? (2 msgs)
Standard HT opinions? (C228A)
The new Yaesu 11 and 41 HTs
Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Ham-Equip@UCSD.Edu>
Send subscription requests to: <Ham-Equip-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
Archives of past issues of the Ham-Equip Digest are available
(by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-equip".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1993 23:57:00 GMT
From: ucsnews!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!spool.mu.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!news.kei.com!ub!acsu.buffalo.edu!ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu!opnpaul@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Alinco
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
Does anybody have any information on the Alinco HT ( I believe
the model is DJ160 or Dj180).
Thanks in advance.
Paul Francavilla
Date: 23 Nov 93 20:51:41 GMT
From: amd!amdahl!JUTS!navy-grog!rab10@decwrl.dec.com
Subject: Help identify burnt out Yeasu 736R part.
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
A transistor in my FT736R power supply literally burned up. The set of
schematics for the FT736R does not include an schematic for the power supply
so I cannot identify the part. I don't have a service manual, which I assume
may have a schematic. Therefore, I was wondering if anyone who has such a
diagram could help me identify the part. On the power supply printed circuit
board the transister is marked as Q3. It's emitter is connected to a diode
and its base is connected to two 33 ohm resistors. Unfortunately, I left my
notes about this at home, but I believe the diode is marked as D8 and the
two resistors are marked R16 and R17 (or R17 and R18). Anyway, I believe
this information should help pinpoint the transister on a schematic.
There is probably some other bad component on the board (one that caused the
transistor to go out) but I will deal with that problem.
Dick. W6TYI.
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1993 17:00:27 GMT
From: qualcomm.com!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!pipex!uknet!EU.net!news.inesc.pt!animal.inescn.pt!bart!avale@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Help on config TR751 2m all mode
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
I have one Kenwood TR751E (European Version) all mode 2m, and I need use the
tone encoder TU-7 that I already have.
In the schematic and tecnical manual do not refer what to do with the config.
diodes D3,D4,D5,D6 and D7 on the Control Unit. What are the individual funcion
of each other. The D14 is on the owner manual and is to config. the step, but
the others? I only need to inform the unit that he has the TU-7 installed.
If anyone of YOu have this kind of information I will thank you a lot.
73, Antonio (CT1DZY)
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1993 15:07:45 GMT
From: yuma!galen@purdue.edu
Subject: IC-27A hum
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
In article <HIDEG.93Nov29001108@spsd10b.erim.org> hideg@spsd10b.erim.org ([Steve Hideg]) writes:
>I have an IC-27A (2m mobile) that emits a terrible hum in the transmitted
>audio. This hum is more prevalent on high power, and in the range of transmit
>frequencies between 144 and 146MHz. I can also hear this hum on the speaker
>This is *NOT* a 60Hz hum.
>--Steve Hideg, N8HSC
> hideg@erim.org
Could your CTCSS/PL level or deviation be set too high? Try changing the
tone and see if your hum changes pitch.
I have a 0.01uF and a 25uF caps in parallel across my terminal block in my
passenger compartment. I did have a whine in my signal before the caps.
Good Luck,
Galen, KF0YJ
Date: 29 Nov 93 11:54:10 GMT
From: coplex!cstup@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Info on HTX-404 needed!
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
My HTX-404 (Realistic) is now displaying error messages when powered up.
Since I aquired this unit second hand, I don't have the manual for it.
First, it gave me an ERR 2, and now its doing an ERR 1.
Anyone know what these error codes mean?
Your help would be greatly appricated!
Thanks in advance!
-- Corey Stup
-- Louisville, Kentucky
-- 40206-2207
Date: 29 Nov 93 22:01:37 GMT
From: att-out!cbnewsh!afy@rutgers.rutgers.edu
Subject: kenwood TS450S software
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
Date: 29 Nov 93 11:13:18 GMT
From: news-mail-gateway@ucsd.edu
Subject: need modif.for ICOM IC-229h VHF trcvr
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
Dear fellow HAM's! I'd like to get any information
about modification (freq. expand) of ICOM IC-229h
VHF transciever. 73' and THANX in advance -=ANDY=-
RW3AH (US call-WL7AP). E-MAIL: rw3ah@emercom.msk.su
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1993 22:38:39 GMT
From: nevada.edu!jimi!envoy!jim@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Need schematic/manual for Icom IC-22A
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
I am trying to get a copy of the schematic and instruction/service manual
for the Icom IC-22A. I need to know the stock wiring of the accessory
jack on the back of the radio. Thanks.
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1993 16:43:59 GMT
From: das.wang.com!wang!djenkins@uunet.uu.net
Subject: PK-88 vs KPC-3 vs DPK-2 - Comments?
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
The BayPac (BayCom) modem was fun, but, it is time to upgrade to a REAL TNC.
Most of my packet operation is in TCP/IP but some is still AX-25. All of it
is in VHF/UHF (HF privs yes, radios no). The option of operating "portable"
is attractive for coolness and/or emergencies, but, is not essential.
I am trying to decide between asking for a PK-88, KPC-3 or DPK-2. Some of
the relative merits that I know of include:
PK-88: Y Y N Y ? ? $139.95
KPC-3: L 1 Y Y Y Y $119.95
DPK-2: L Y N Y 2 3 $109.95
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | +------- HRO Price
| | | | | |
| | | | | +--------- Open squelch operation
| | | | +------------ TNC-2 Compatible
| | | +--------------- PBBS
| | +------------------ WEFAX
| +--------------------- Kiss Mode
+------------------------ 12 Operation (L = Low power consumption)
1) The guy at HRO said it does KISS Mode but it didn't say in the catalog.
2) "100% firmware compatability with TAPR TNC-2"
"* TNC-2 Compatible * Runs all TNC-2proms"
3) $31.95 optional board
Oddly enough, the guy from HRO didn't talk up the DPK-2 at all. He said the
other two would work fine but that if I wanted to do HF packet some day then
I should not get the KPC-3.
Any comments/suggestions/recommendations/opinions are welcome/appreciated.
David E. Jenkins Home: (508) 632-4164 Wang Labs, Inc.
52 Norman Street Work: (508) 967-7284 M/S 014-690
Gardner, MA 01440-1916 Fax: (508) 967-2212 1 Industrial Ave.
Packet: n1mxv@wa1phy.ma e-mail: djenkins@wang.com Lowell, MA 01851
Date: 29 Nov 1993 19:05:52 GMT
From: juniper.almaden.ibm.com!enge.almaden.ibm.com!enge@uunet.uu.net
Subject: PK-88 vs KPC-3 vs DPK-2 - Comments?
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
In article <CH9IHD.HBG@wang.com>, Dave Jenkins <djenkins@wang.com> wrote:
>KPC-3: L 1 Y Y Y Y $119.95
> ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
> | +--------------------- Kiss Mode
>1) The guy at HRO said it does KISS Mode but it didn't say in the catalog.
KPC-3 does do KISS. Mine is running with the G8BPQ code right now.
Roy Engehausen, AA4RE
Date: 29 Nov 1993 19:59:22 GMT
From: qualcomm.com!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!uwm.edu!wupost!howland.reston.ans.net!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!library.ucla.edu!nntp.ucsb.edu!mcl!uznerk@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Standard HT opinions? (C228A)
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
I'm in the market for a dual band HT (possibly) and I'm most interested
in getting one that's 2m/220. The only one I've seen so far is the Standard
C228A. Does anyone have any recomendations on Standard radio equipment?
They seem to be pricier than the usual Alinco and Yaesu group, so is
there a reason for this?
Andrew Krenz KE6BIP | uznerk@mcl.ucsb.edu | krenz@engrhub.ucsb.edu
Date: 29 Nov 93 06:49:04 GMT
From: panix!not-for-mail@uunet.uu.net
Subject: The new Yaesu 11 and 41 HTs
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
I have seen ads in the last two QSTs for new Yaesu handhelds, each said
to be the smallest HT with a full keyboard. The 11 is a 2-meter rig,
the 41 is a 70-cm rig.
Has anybody actually tried them out? Are there any "gotchas", like
missing features or capabilities that people have noticed?
Carl Oppedahl AA2KW
Oppedahl & Larson (patent lawyers)
Yorktown Heights, NY
voice 212-777-1330
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1993 16:35:02 GMT
From: swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!darwin.sura.net!fconvx.ncifcrf.gov!fcs260c!mack@network.ucsd.edu
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
References <1993Nov23.185148.12424@news.uiowa.edu>, <1993Nov28.040110.14821@gsm001.mendelson.com>, <Nov28.164848.8976@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU>
Subject : Re: SSB VHF/UHF portable equipment info needed??
In article <Nov28.164848.8976@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU> galen@picea.CFNR.ColoState.EDU (Galen Watts) writes:
>In article <1993Nov28.040110.14821@gsm001.mendelson.com> gsmlrn@gsm001.mendelson.com (Geoffrey S. Mendelson) writes:
>>In article <1993Nov23.185148.12424@news.uiowa.edu>
>> mau@herky.cs.uiowa.edu (Napoleon Mau) writes:
>>>I am looking for info on SSB VHF/UHF equipment that can be used
>>>for portable operation.
>>Although in the past several companies made ht's and ht like units that had
>>fm and ssb, as far as I know the only current production models are the
>>Yaesu "mark II" series. There is one for 2m (the 290r mark II) one for 430/440
>>and one for 6 meters.
>>Geoffrey S. Mendelson N3OWJ (215) 242-8712 gsm@mendelson.com
>j-com carries the Mizuho SSB/CW HT's, models from 80 to 6m (no 10 or 12m
>versions on my lit). Output is 2 watts.
>j-com 408-335-9120
>Box 194
>Ben Lomond, CA 95005
>Also, Tokyo Hi-Power Has a 40/15/6m HT, covers all of 40 and 15m and 50.0-
>50.5 on 6m, 3/3/2 watts out, CW and SSB.
>Orion Business International 209-432-4155
>360 W. Bedford Ave, Ste 111
>Fresno, CA 93711
>Galen, KF0YJ
About Tokyo Hi Power, I've called Orion and they don't have manuals and
say theat Tokyo doesn't deal with the US anymore. I can't cget info about
my Tokyo stuff anywhere.
Joe NA3T
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 22:00:21 GMT
From: telesoft!garym@uunet.uu.net
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
References <2cqh3t$988@nntpd.lkg.dec.com>, <CGwq6n.JBo@alsys.com>, <931122.81078.LMARRIN@delphi.com>
Subject : Re: Problems with Kenwood TM-742A
In <931122.81078.LMARRIN@delphi.com> LMARRIN@delphi.com writes:
>I've found that if I turn the radio off, press the VFO button
>and then turn it on while holding the VFO button, the CPU problem is fixed!
>The memories do NOT erase.
>Yes, the 742 is a considerably more complex radio, but it's worth a try.
I tried this, I also tried the reset given in the manual, and also tried
each button separatly during power on, none of them unlocked the radio.
I found out later from Al (legerlotz@smaug.enet.dec.com) that you can
get it out of this locked up state by removing the TSU-7 or disassembling
the radio.
Date: 29 Nov 1993 16:49:17 GMT
From: tymix.Tymnet.COM!drawson@uunet.uu.net
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
References <2cjdqg$6vd@tymix.Tymnet.COM>, <CGwsFq.LHq@bigtop.dr.att.com>, <931126.39454.PEITZER@delphi.com>
Subject : Re: Kenwood 940 PLL Unlock problem
I fixed it over the week end, I think! Resistor R100 on the PLL board
was making intermittent contact on the end closest to the circuit board.
(R100 stands on end.) I was able to clip the other lead and solder a
replacement resistor on the component side without exposing the solder
side of the board. (It would have been tedious to get to the solder
side of the board.)
I was INTENDING only to tweak up the three coils (L22, L23, and L24, I
think) that Kenwood specifies in Service Bulletin 900. I put a 'scope
on test point TP4, and tried to peak those coils. There were already
nearly right on. But the trace jittered. I let things sit that way,
with the scope still connected, and eventually the PLL unlocked. Without
mentioning all the things I checked, and lines traced in the schematic,
that didn't pan out ... eventually I reduced the scope's gain and switched
to DC coupling. When the PLL unlocked, the trace went to zero volts DC,
as well as showing no RF signal. Even LATER (!) I noticed that by nudging
the bottom of R100 very softly with the the nylon alignment tool I could
cause the PLL to cut in and out.
It turns out that test point TP4, on the bare lead of R95, connects to
R100, which connects to the DC supply voltage to the stage. When the
R100 connection opens, TP4 (and the stage) is disconnected from the DC
I did not determine whether the intermittent connection was inside the
resistor or between the resistor's lead and the solder trace. I couldn't
simply pull the resistor off the board (or pull it apart) once I clipped
the top lead. And there was not enough mechanical play for me to notice
any sound or feeling when I jiggled the resistor. But I doubt that the
fault is specific to the PLL circuit at R100 -- it probably could have
happened anywhere in the radio.
I'm glad it happend right where Service Bulleting 900 happened to direct
my attention (and scope probe).
End of Ham-Equip Digest V93 #117